Kestävä design on arvovalinta


Innolux turns its gaze into the future – an environmental system compliant with the ISO 14001 standard will be completed as part of the 30th anniversary celebration in 2023.

We strive toward something better, one step at a time. The challenges posed by climate change require decisive action from all of us, and the issue must be addressed in ways that both mitigate the change and help us adapt to it. We choose to create design that is sustainable – based on both internal and external assessment criteria. For a long time now, we have been making lamps with the longest possible life cycle, and we are still striving toward an even better level of sustainability by optimizing the packaging, for example.

We have analyzed our current situation: our lighting production is already, more or less, emission free, because we do not use any dangerous substances or large amounts of water in our processes. We also aim to analyze the quality measures taken by our partners and increase the consumers’ awareness of eco-friendly habits.We will draw up plans and implement the required changes over the course of the year. 

We will focus our efforts on the comprehensive optimization of our operations using circular economy indicators. We switched to green energy in 2021, at which time we also had solar panels producing renewable energy installed at our logistics center in Kerava. For heating, we use geothermal energy. Earlier this spring,we further increased the degree of recycling both in production and at the warehouse.The project is led by our project coordinator Laura Paaso-Rantala, who is completing a specialist vocational qualification in sustainability while continuing to work.At the end of a year-long study path that started in the spring of 2022, Innolux will have an environmental system compliant with the ISO 14001 standard,guiding our way toward an even better future.

  • This is what we are good at:
    We invest in the quality of our products:
    Good design stands the test of time
    High-quality LED light sources
    Functional outlet sales of products that have superficial defects but are still fit for use
    Our lamps are recycled as WEEE (up to 99%)
    • Our packaging is easy to recycle:
      We only use recycled plastic and as little plastic as possible
      Our packaging is made of brown cardboard
      The amount of printing ink used on the packaging has been reduced to a minimum
    • This is what we aim for:
      Energy efficiency – farewell to fluorescent lamps, as LED bulbs consume half as much energy
      Comprehensive circular economy – sustainable product design as the basis of everything
      Our commitment:
      Annually updated quality guidelines and regular inspections at our suppliers in Finland and elsewhere in Europe, as well as in China
      Continuous improvement of operations based on the indicators determined by the environmental system